Homeland Security Programs
College Major Spotlight: Homeland Security Programs
What do homeland security programs offer?
Homeland security programs train individuals to protect the United States of America from security threats and terrorism. Training for homeland security programs typically includes classroom instruction in criminal justice, weapons of terrorism, emergency operations and counterintelligence. Graduates of homeland security programs are trained to prevent, intercept, and problem-solve security and terrorism threats.
What do people who graduate from homeland security programs do?
Graduates of homeland security programs will be able to devise problem-solving strategies, using state, local, and national instruments of power, for foreign, domestic, and natural threats. They will be able to apply critical thinking and analytical skills to developing appropriate security and response plans. In addition, individuals working for the Department of Homeland Security will be tasked with identifying and coordinating resources to combat threats, minimize risks and reduce vulnerabilities across the country.
Job outlook for graduates of homeland security programs:
Job opportunities in the Department of Homeland Security will be excellent for qualified individuals, and includes both entry-level and advanced careers. There are jobs in every state and abroad, in the air, on land and at sea.
Because of the broad range of careers available to graduates of homeland security programs, it is difficult to state one figure or one earnings range.
What type of homeland security program should you consider?. Homeland security agencies encourage applicants to take courses or training related to their area of specialty. Many junior colleges, colleges, and universities offer programs in homeland security or administration of justice.
Source: http://www.bls.gov/opub/ooq/2006/summer/art01.pdf