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Archive for the ‘Get into College’

Debunking the SAT Test: Which Test Prep Methods Are a Waste of Time

December 14, 2011 By: Category: College entrance exams, Get into College 1 Comment →

It’s just minutes before your SAT test is about to begin. You’re nervous. You’re anxious. “Will my test preparation methods pay off?” “Will my scores be high enough to be accepted to my first college choice?” Those feelings are standard for any student, but some new studies explain why some SAT test prep methods might be outdated. The study calls for students to step up their test prep game and here are just a few ways to do it. (more…)

5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Get into College

November 14, 2011 By: Julie Manhan Category: Admissions insider, Application tips, Get into College No Comments →

Contrary to popular belief, constant stress is not a required part of the college admissions process.  In fact, it’s quite possible to get into college without it.  It may take a little extra effort, but most people will agree it’s worth it - especially when it means you will likely  have more time to enjoy your senior year. (more…)

How to Get into College with a Low GPA

October 27, 2011 By: Category: Get into College No Comments →

So, you’re filling out your college application and the grades on your transcript are lower than you’d like. Wondering how you’ll get into college with a low GPA? Don’t fret! Coming from somebody who was accepted to their first choice with less than stellar high school grades, getting into college with a low GPA is very possible. It’s all about knowing what college admissions officers are looking for, and improving your odds in those areas. Here are four non-grade related ways to boost your college chances:


Six Tips for Your 500 Word College Essay

September 28, 2011 By: Category: College application essays, Get into College No Comments →

Writing a 500 word college essay is a part of the college application that lots of students postpone and obsess about.  Don’t.  Here are some ways to make your college essay more fun and creative, and position yourself to get into your dream college. . .

Photo by Penslethaargic

Does the high school you go to affect your chance to get into college?

September 07, 2011 By: Julie Manhan Category: Get into College No Comments →

It’s easy to see that some high schools have more and better resources than others.  While that may make the path to college a little easier for their students, it is not a guarantee.  The truth is that the vast majority of students who get into college are there because of their commitment to getting there and not because of the high school they attended. (more…)