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New Years Resolutions to Help You Get into College

December 31, 2010 By: Julie Manhan Category: Get into College

If you want to get into college, this is a great time to focus your resolutions and energies on things that will help you achieve that goal.  Here are 10 New Years resolutions that every college bound student should make:

New Years

 Photo by dabney 

  1. I will read more than what’s assigned in my classes.  The test companies themselves will tell you that one of the best ways to prepare for SAT and ACT tests is to do a lot of reading.
  2. I will get involved in my community by volunteering.  There are few better ways to explore your interests and build skills than by volunteering.  It’s an experience you should not miss.
  3. I will take classes that are challenging.  Getting high grades in easy classes isn’t all that impressive to colleges.  Choose classes that will force you to work hard.  Those are the classes that will help you get into college.
  4. I will try at least one new activity.  Colleges look for students who will be willing to step out of their comfort zone in college and get involved.  The more willing you are to try new things, the easier your transition to college will be as well.
  5. I will take my involvement in things I enjoy to the next level.  Don’t be satisfied with doing the same old thing the same old way.  Take on a leadership role.  Share your interests with others by starting a club or sharing your skill with others (i.e. teaching kids how to play soccer or playing the piano at a nursing home)
  6. I will take the time to learn more about colleges and possible careers. A big part of getting into college is about knowing which schools have what you’re looking for.  The more you learn about colleges and career possibilities, the easier it will be to find the right school for you.
  7. I will get help right away if I’m struggling in class.  This is a great habit to get into.  Knowing when to ask for help now will make you a better college student later because things move faster in college and it’s easier to get behind.
  8. I will talk to my parents about paying for college.  This is an important conversation to have long before you decide where you will apply.  The sooner you have this talk, the more time you will have to save money and seek scholarships.
  9. I won’t wait till the last minute to get things done.  Procrastination can cost you scholarships.  It may even prevent you from getting into the college of your choice.  Get things done early.  You’ll be glad you did.
  10. I won’t compare myself to others.  Everyone is different when it comes to the experiences they bring to the college application process and what they are looking for in a college.  Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, ask yourself a question:  “Am I doing my best?” In the end, that is the only benchmark that matters.

Even if you only make one or two of these resolutions, these important steps will help you get into college.