November 06, 2009
By: Brady Norvall
Category: Aid for College
It’s pretty amazing how quickly the college application season comes upon us. Every year it seems as though it just gets a little longer and a little more stressful (although we can’t imagine it ever being more stressful than the year we are currently in). But inevitably, with the applications being filled and filed, the other question will always follow: how does one find out about various sources of aid for college? Where does it come from and what does it all mean?

Photo by Material Boy
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November 05, 2009
By: Julie Manhan
Category: College Major Info
Before you read any further, I want you to know that, in most cases, you do not need to know exactly what you want to do in life the minute you arrive on campus. In fact, many students change their college major more than once as they discover new areas of interest. (I personally changed mine 4 times.) That being said, having some idea of what you may be interested in studying can be a great help as you search for a school that will be the right fit for you. Read the rest of this entry →
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November 03, 2009
By: Lynn Mattoon
Category: Choosing a College
Distance Online Learning vs. the Conventional Campus Route
Today, distance online learning is becoming increasingly popular. Rather than attending classes on campus, many people are obtaining a degree by attending college online. Advancement and employment opportunities are at your fingertips with online education, whether you’re considering jobs in healthcare, sales jobs, or a career in finance. Still, many people question, “is an online degree acceptable to employers?” The answer is, yes. Online degrees are as good as degrees earned the conventional way and are suitable for employment. In fact, there are many colleges that offer both and these institutions consider the degrees to be identical.

Photo by Ed Yourdon
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October 31, 2009
By: Elizabeth Kraus
Category: College Major Info
In honor of Halloween, we thought we’d choose a scary career………Are you a CSI junkie? Do you love science and solving crimes? Consider a career as a forensic technician.

Photo by doviende
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October 28, 2009
By: Kate Scozzaro
Category: Aid for College, Best College Tips, Campus Life
College. That one word alone is the definition of being broke! As a college senior, I can tell you that no matter how many part-time jobs you take on, you are still going to be lacking when it comes to cash flow. It takes some longer than others to run out of their high school savings, but you’ll be sure to find out the true value of a dollar during your time away. So how can you make the last $5 you have for the week (and it’s only Monday) last until Friday’s pay check? I’ve learned some simple tips on how to find college deals and making that dollar go further.

Photo by Goldberg
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October 26, 2009
By: Laura Kruse
Category: Aid for College, Financial Student Aid
Paying for college can be even more of a struggle than getting in, but new legislation might make it a little easier for families by increasing federal financial aid. Last month Congress passed the Financial Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The legislation expands financial aid, shifts direct federal lending and removes subsidies to private lenders. Supporters have claimed that the bill would save taxpayers $87 billion over the next 10 years. The legislation promises to make college more affordable, but what does that mean for you and your family?

Photo by Borman818
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October 21, 2009
By: Elizabeth Kraus
Category: College Major Info, Degree in Making Films
Love movies? Do you dream of living in Hollywood? Perhaps you should consider a degree in making films. Sound interesting? Check out these facts:

Photo by Stan Ravn
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October 19, 2009
By: Lynn Mattoon
Category: Campus Life, The working student
Are You Going to College For…..
an experience, yes. Broadening your horizons and expanding your knowledge, of course. Ultimately, though, you’re looking for the key that will unlock the door to the career you desire. Does it matter which college you choose? If you’re focused on IT jobs or maybe jobs in finance – will the school you choose make a difference? Read the rest of this entry →
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October 15, 2009
By: Taylor Garrett
Category: Top Stories
Today is blog action day. Bloggers around the world will unite to speak out against one common cause: Climate Change
Whether or not you ‘believe’ in climate change is not as important as whether you can recognize the universal, moral imperative of consuming less. If you practice steps toward consuming less, you will improve your own health and lifestyle, and as a bonus, you’ll save the planet.
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October 14, 2009
By: Julie Manhan
Category: Aid for College, Finding a scholarship
Every year, at countless high school graduation ceremonies, you hear or read the names of scholarships the graduating class has been awarded. It’s important to keep in mind that behind each of those awards are a student commitment, a well done application, and the ever-important scholarship search. The latter is where many students find themselves in uncharted waters.

Photo by Steve Wampler
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October 12, 2009
By: Taylor Garrett
Category: Campus Life
It’s the third week of freshman year, and my sister’s roommate has spent the last week and a half at home. When I was a freshman, I saw the same thing happen to so many of the people I knew. They drop out, either permanently or for only a few days, and head home to their bed and their parents. When going away to college, the most important thing to remember is that first semester of freshman year is the hardest college will ever get for you.

Homesick photo by Casey West
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October 09, 2009
By: Brady Norvall
Category: Choosing a College, US College rankings
I was just reading an article this morning about women’s professional tennis and the flaws in its ranking system. This time of year, I also see weekly reviews with different people giving their opinion about the various ranking systems in college football. There are computer programs that use data analysis, coaches votes, win/loss and strength-of-schedule ranking systems, and different ranking systems based on the weight of each different criteria. Honestly, I find it to be a bit of overkill. But, what about US college rankings? So how do the US college ranking systems work? Which US college ranking organization is most reliable? Read the rest of this entry →
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October 07, 2009
By: Elizabeth Kraus
Category: Admissions insider, College application essays, Get into College
Today we have a guest post from college admissions insider Gil Rogers, Associate Director of Admissions at the University of New Haven.
So you are getting ready to finalize those college applications. You have visited schools, met with counselors and students, read through every piece of mail sent to you and surfed on all of the best college search websites. You are ready to go, right? Wrong.
Filling out the application form is easy. As long as you know your name and address, chances are, that part is done. But what are you going to do to set yourself apart from all of the names and numbers on the papers going in to the admissions office at your top choice school? That is where the application essay comes in.

Photo by Valeriana Solaris
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October 05, 2009
By: Kate Scozzaro
Category: Campus Life, Greek life
When you’re a freshman walking onto a new campus, you have tons of new opportunities that await you. Like high school, you have your friends, your sports teams and your school work but what high schools don’t have is Greek Life. Many schools have a bunch of different sororities and fraternities to pick from. Although I am not involved in Greek Life at URI, I considered rushing when I was a freshman.

Greek Life Photo by Chiara Mara
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October 01, 2009
By: Taylor Garrett
Category: College Major Info, Homeland security programs
Lions, tigers, bears, hurricanes, swine flu, terrorists! Hopefully these aren’t things you encountered on your most recent trip to the zoo. But if you did, a degree in homeland security sure would come in handy…
A degree in homeland security is for those of you dreaming to protect our nation in any capacity—from natural disasters to terrorist threats, border patrol agents to computer programmers. Homeland security degrees can be applied any job that requires anticipation and intelligent action to minimize our nation’s vulnerabilities and protect the systems that ensure our American way of life. Such jobs exist in all fifty states, and on all surfaces of the planet.

Homeland Security Photo by First Assembly of God
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September 29, 2009
By: Lynn Mattoon
Category: Choosing a College, Types of degrees
You’re planning to continue your education beyond high school and perhaps you’re a little confused about which degree is right for you and your career goals. This post aims to give a simple breakdown of the different types of degrees out there:

types of degrees photo by gadget dude
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September 25, 2009
By: Laura Kruse
Category: Best College Tips, Campus Life, Freshman 15
As a sophomore, I am sad to report that the battle against the freshman 15 does not end after the first year of college. I still find myself tempted by the option of eating ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, finding time to go to the gym can seem impossible when my to-do list is filled with reading assignments and problem sets, and it’s just too easy to take comfort in a bag of potato chips at 2 a.m. But after a year in college, my friends and I have learned a thing or two about staying healthy and preventing weight gain.

Freshman 15 pizza picture by titanas
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September 23, 2009
By: Elizabeth Kraus
Category: Campus Life
Today we have a guest post from JT Thome, COO of………
A study conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that college textbook prices rose at twice the rate of annual inflation over the last two decades; economic issues make this even more of a “hot button issue” for 2009. This August, as students return to college campuses and begin to calculate the costs of first semester textbooks, many will be looking for ways to help them save money.

Textbook photo by pmccormi
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September 21, 2009
By: Elizabeth Kraus
Category: College Major Info, Detention Officer, Employment trends
Interested in criminal justice? Considering a job in corrections? As population grows and mandatory sentencing requirements become more common, there will be an increasing need for detention officers. Check out these facts from the Bureau of Labor Management about the exciting career of a detention officer.

Photo by Tim Pearce, Los Gatos
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September 16, 2009
By: Elizabeth Kraus
Category: Aid for College, Scholarships
Today we have a guest post from Brandi Koskie. Koskie is a journalism graduate from the University of Oklahoma and the senior editor at, an educational resource helping students at all stages of the education process find student loans, scholarships, testing advice and more.
Searching for college scholarships can seem daunting and overwhelming. But like other aspects of the college preparation process, if you are organized and have a plan, then you’re sure to find your scholarship search more manageable.

Photo by AMagill
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