Online degrees are especially convenient for those who want to back to college or work while they are in school. If you’ve decided you want to get an online degree, now comes the difficult task of choosing which program is right for you. With a smattering of commercials and advertisements for every online college possible, how on earth are you supposed to choose the right one?
Scholarships are the ideal form of financial aid…money you don’t have to pay back! For me, they were the only way I could attend the majority of the schools I applied for without going into major debt. Everyone told me the money was out there, I just had to find it. I applied for over 35 national, local and college-specific scholarships. I ended up getting three.
In honor of Memorial Day, we thought we’d honor those veterans who have selflessly fought for our country by giving them a few tips to pay for college. If you are a veteran, or a spouse or child of a veteran, there are several resources to help you partially or completely pay for your collegeeducation.
May 24, 2008By: Jillianne Hamilton Category: Aid for College
Tuition rates are going up all over the place, but its not the education itself that’s pushing prices up, it’s the campus extras that are doing the deed. Colleges claim they have to offer attractive amenities to stay competitive, but some colleges are taking extra amenities – and their tuition costs – to the next level. The question is, do students really care about these amenities or would they rather just have lower tuition?
With college applications at an all-time high and fierce competition for top-ranked schools, many students are turning to admissions consultants to gain a competitive edge. But before you pull out your checkbook, make sure you understand what an admissions consultant does …..or should be doing. Read the rest of this entry →
May 17, 2008By: Elizabeth Kraus Category: Top Stories
The North Carolina Community College system announced Tuesday that it would no longer admit undocumented students. This decision, made in response to a letter from the State Attorney General, has spawned intense discussion about the rights of illegal immigrants and the cost of educating undocumented students. It seems people have very strong opinions about this subject, but unfortunately many of these opinions are based solely on ignorance and stereotypes. So I beg you, before you rush to form your own opinion, read these facts first:
May 15, 2008By: Elizabeth Kraus Category: Top Stories
Today bloggers everywhere have been asked to speak out for human rightsfor Bloggers Unite Day. I have decided to speak out about something I feel very strongly about — Guantanamo — and encourage all of you students to drop your beer (or other recreational drug of choice) and join me.
There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy. –Unknown
There is no question that applying for college is possibly one of the most important and intimidating decisions of your life. I know it was for me. My parents always told me I would regret it if I didn’t go, but they never told me how complicated applying for and choosing a college could be.
When choosing a college, there is no substitute for experiencing the college first hand, but unfortunately campus visits can be expensive and time consuming. If you’re not prepared, you may end up wasting your time. So, before you hop on a plane to visit your college or university of choice, make sure you’re prepared to get the most of your campus visit. Read the rest of this entry →
After interviewing several current college students about what they should have thought about when applying to college, one piece of advice constantly came up: location, location, location. But there’s more to location than a zip code. Here are four important things to consider when choosing your college location.
Game design and software development are some of the fastest growing careers. But can you make money doing it? If you are good, absolutely. Read the rest of this entry →
Choosing a college is sometimes very simple. Some students choose their dream school before they are even in high school and others have dozens of scholarships to choose from. But for most people, choosing a college can be very frustrating. Here are a few tips to help you with the college hunt.
May 02, 2008By: Elizabeth Kraus Category: Top Stories
While on a leave of absence from Berkeley, law professor John Yoo took a position with the Bush Administration. During his time there, he wrote controversial memoranda that officials used as the legal basis for interrogation techniques now widely viewed as torture. Many claim that Yoo’s memoranda was the green light that allowed US interrogators to inflict extreme emotional and physical pain on detainees, ultimately leading to the death of at least one innocent man.
Today, Yoo has returned to Berkeley and continues to teach law to young scholars. Do you think this is acceptable?
FACT – In 2004, nearly two-thirds (62.4%) of graduates from public universities had student loans. (Source) Given this level of borrowing, there is no doubt that the current mortgage and student loan crisis has the immediate attention of parents and students. The student loan squeeze is a three part series that will answer a few of the most important questions on the minds of students and parents around the country.
April 25, 2008By: Elizabeth Kraus Category: Scholarships
myUsearch has just announced that 10% of the company’s profits will be directed to a scholarship program for students in need. You might be asking, is this just another marketing ploy? The answer is NO. Believe it or not, we really do care, seriously. If it weren’t for a sports scholarship, the founder of myUsearch never would have had the chance to go to college. So who is eligible for these scholarships?
Have any of you tried to search for colleges by visiting a college search site? If so, you already know what I’m talking about, skip to the recommendations below. But if you’re still a search engine virgin, look before you leap. Here is what is happening…. Read the rest of this entry →
According to articles on Michigan Newslog and Young Money, major sources of funding for student loans are backing out of the business, particularly banks like the TCF Financial Corporation, HSBC Bank USA and the M&T Bank Corporation. With three of the fifty largest lenders out of the game, $560 million dollars worth in student loans is now unaccessible to the students who need them. While the need for an education becomes more and more important, tuition rates are soaring to new heights.
It’s easy to get a little freaked out by all of the news of recession. Just like any other bad news, “if it bleeds, it leads” and news organizations are going to try to capture your attention by making any economic downturn sound as bad as possible.
If you’re hesitating going back to school because you feel the future is too uncertain, or you don’t want to take on debt in a recession, remember that recessions are temporary; education is permanent.